您好!有關廖保和博士研究生獎學金相關訊息,請協助轉知貴單位師生,感謝協助。 研究生獎學金 (Graduate Scholarship): Dr. Paul Bao-Ho Liao and Mei-Yea Liao Graduate Fellowship in Environmental Engineering of Oklahoma State University 申請資格 (Eligibility): The recipient must be enrolled as a graduate student at the University in the College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology. The recipient must be pursuing a major in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. 申請須知 (Requirements): First selection preference will be given to students from Shu-Te University and/or National Cheung Kung University. Second selection preference will be given to students pursuing a degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering, specializing in either Water Resources or Environmental Engineering. In the event no students are identified using both the requirements and preferences above, the award should be made for the coming academic year by selecting recipients using only the above stated requirements. The size of the award and number of awards may be determined at the discretion of the Selection Committee. 聯絡窗口 (Contact): Dr. Norb Delatte, School Head, norb.delatte@okstate.edu Dr....

為幫助同學校園時期即扎根職涯觀念及探索自我,了解自我職涯發展的方向,讓學習與技能相輔相成,最終與產業能順利接軌。 故每年大學部新生(研究生也適用)入學後結合教育部UCAN「大專校院職能平台」,依據不同年級別學生進行自我職業興趣探索及職能診斷,及早進行職涯規劃與學習準備。同時也非常歡迎研究生(不包含在職專班)多加利用。  *對大學部學生測評建議:  大一新生「職業興趣探索」:了解您的興趣、特質、偏好適合那種職業類型,找出您對不同職涯類型的興趣強弱。 大二、大三(含研究生)「職場共通職能診斷」:了解各種不同的職業類型需要具備的能力,幫助您檢視目前對各項職場共通能力的具備程度,幫助您及早進行職涯規劃與學習準備。 大三以上(含研究生)「專業職能診斷」:了解各種不同職業所需的職能及行為表現,有助於學生掌握該職業的工作樣貌,以及協助學生能力養成規劃。 (補充: 大一生在入學後也可測評「職場共通職能診斷」,先知道個人職場軟實力程度,再經由參加校內開設的課程、活動及競賽增進自己的共通能力。) *UCAN施測網址: https://ucan.ncku.edu.tw/ucann_school/timeOut.html   如有任何問題,請洽詢生涯組: z10708121@mail.ncku.edu.tw   徐小姐  06-2757575 # 50480 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 本問卷結果是本校高等教育、校務發展及系所課程規劃與校系友服務之重要參考,本校與系所將能透過問卷結果深入了解學生所需,提供更加完善之服務!...