國科會甄選類別將於113年10月1日起至113年10月31止受理申請114年2月或9月入學就讀博士班之新生所提出之申請案,敬請有意於明年開始就讀博士班之學生踴躍申請,申請公告連結網址:https://www.nstc.gov.tw/sci/ch/detail/adebe1f8-949e-43be-9226-3790cde6d7e7。 另,國科會將於四校(中興、東華、清華、中山)舉辦獎學金說明會(海報如附),有興趣者可點選連結https://survey.stpi.narl.org.tw/s/XpYXp,報名參加。...

英國Ulster University [International Science Partnerships Fund - Early-career researcher fellowships  國際科學博士後研究合作獎學金]申請日期至2024/9/29。   Ulster University  阿爾斯特大學   研究領域: Structural Energy Storage Composites for Future Electrical Vehicles  申請截止日: 2024/09/29 請在網站Vacancy Category下拉式選單按下'Research'將可以導入申請頁面 附件: 英國Ulster University 阿爾斯特大學博士後獎學金簡介與申請說明乙份 英國Ulster_University_阿爾斯特大學博士後獎學金簡介與申請說明 ...

成大水利海洋研究發展文教基金會大禹獎學金從即日起開始申請,截止日期至112年10月15日。表格填寫完成後送水利系辦公室提出申請。 2023 成大水利海洋研究發展文教基金會大禹獎學金申請公告 水利基金會獎學金經辦人:盧小姐(三樓4647研究室、分機63250轉30)...

 您好!有關廖保和博士研究生獎學金相關訊息,請協助轉知貴單位師生,感謝協助。 研究生獎學金 (Graduate Scholarship): Dr. Paul Bao-Ho Liao and Mei-Yea Liao Graduate Fellowship in Environmental Engineering of Oklahoma State University 申請資格 (Eligibility): The recipient must be enrolled as a graduate student at the University in the College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology. The recipient must be pursuing a major in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. 申請須知 (Requirements): First selection preference will be given to students from Shu-Te University and/or National Cheung Kung University. Second selection preference will be given to students pursuing a degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering, specializing in either Water Resources or Environmental Engineering. In the event no students are identified using both the requirements and preferences above, the award should be made for the coming academic year by selecting recipients using only the above stated requirements. The size of the award and number of awards may be determined at the discretion of the Selection Committee. 聯絡窗口 (Contact): Dr. Norb Delatte, School Head, norb.delatte@okstate.edu Dr....