工學院公告內容: /upload/files/Kobe%20University%202019Fall20Spring.pdf 有興趣的同學可至工學院網頁查看詳細資訊: http://www.eng.ncku.edu.tw/p/406-1014-190152,r2657.php?Lang=zh-tw 另提供日本神戶大學工程學院特別提醒: Note1: There are some changes in the application form from the last year version. To fill out the learning plan, your students may need to see the syllabus of the courses. Please inform the following website to see the syllabus of our courses.               https://kym-syllabus.ofc.kobe-u.ac.jp/campussy/campussquare.do?_flowExecutionKey=_c10CC81BD-93E6-0BE3-A7B6-B0CF37FAB39A_k29A27610-3DDF-667F-5058-4744DA7B5EF5 Note2: Most of our courses in undergraduate level are taught in Japanese. If the nominated students are undergraduate level, please also submit the certificate of Japanese Language. ...